Data - organized in nibbles - are structured as follows (exammple with blanks added for clarity): a 5a 5 0 628 1 033 2 000 3 e00 4 000 bd data always start with "a" from next 1.5 nibbles (here 5a) the 6 msb are identifier of transmitter, bit 1 indicates acquisition/synchronizing phase (so 5a >> 58 thereafter) bit 0 will be 1 in case of error (e.g. no wind sensor 5a >> 5b) next nibble (here 5) is count of quartets to betransmitted up to 5 quartets of data follow each quartet starts with type indicator (here 0,1,2,3,4) 0: temperature, 3 nibbles bcd coded tenth of °c plus 400 (here 628-400 = 22.8°C) 1: humidity, 3 nibbles bcd coded (here 33 %rH), meaning of 1st nibble still unclear 2: rain, 3 nibbles, counter of contact closures 3: wind, first nibble direction of wind vane (multiply by 22.5 to obtain degrees, here 0xe*22.5 = 315 degrees) next two nibbles wind speed in m per sec (i.e. no more than 255 m/s; 9th bit still not found) 4: gust, speed in m per sec (yes, TX23 sensor does measure gusts and data are transmitted but not displayed by WS1600), number of significant nibbles still unclear next two bytes (here bd) are crc. During acquisition/synchronizing phase (abt. 5 hours) all 5 quartets are sent, see examplke above. Thereafter data strings contain only a few ( 1 up ton 3) quartets, so data strings are not! always of equal length. After powering on, the complete set of data will be transmitted every 4.5 secs for 5 hours during acquisition phase. Lateron only selected sets of data will be transmitted. Stream of received data follows: 1st line: raw data in hex format as received from sensors 2nd line: meteorological data from outdoor sensors decoded, Same values are displayed on basestation (last duet is "calculated crc" - always 00). a1250444109120003808401b89 00 Temp 044 Humi 91 Rain 000 Wind 028 Dir 180 Gust 097 ( 4.4 °C, 91 %rH, no rain, wind 2.8 km/h from south, gust 9.7 km/h) a1250444109120003709401b41 00 Temp 044 Humi 91 Rain 000 Wind 032 Dir 157 Gust 097 a125044410912000370a401b8b 00 Temp 044 Humi 91 Rain 000 Wind 036 Dir 157 Gust 097 a125044410912000370b401bcd 00 Temp 044 Humi 91 Rain 000 Wind 039 Dir 157 Gust 097 a125044410912000370b401bcd 00 Temp 044 Humi 91 Rain 000 Wind 039 Dir 157 Gust 097 a125044410912000380b401b43 00 Temp 044 Humi 91 Rain 000 Wind 039 Dir 180 Gust 097 a125044410912000390b400071 00 Temp 044 Humi 91 Rain 000 Wind 039 Dir 202 Gust 000 a125044410912000380b40051f 00 Temp 044 Humi 91 Rain 000 Wind 039 Dir 180 Gust 018 a125044410912000370a40089b 00 Temp 044 Humi 91 Rain 000 Wind 036 Dir 157 Gust 028 a12504441091200036094008ca 00 Temp 044 Humi 91 Rain 000 Wind 032 Dir 135 Gust 028 a125044410912000360840088c 00 Temp 044 Humi 91 Rain 000 Wind 028 Dir 135 Gust 028 a125044410912000360640087b 00 Temp 044 Humi 91 Rain 000 Wind 021 Dir 135 Gust 028 a1250444109120003603400814 00 Temp 044 Humi 91 Rain 000 Wind 010 Dir 135 Gust 028 a1250444109120003603400814 00 Temp 044 Humi 91 Rain 000 Wind 010 Dir 135 Gust 028 a1250444109120003602400852 00 Temp 044 Humi 91 Rain 000 Wind 007 Dir 135 Gust 028 a1250444109120003601400898 00 Temp 044 Humi 91 Rain 000 Wind 003 Dir 135 Gust 028 a1250444109120003901400816 00 Temp 044 Humi 91 Rain 000 Wind 003 Dir 202 Gust 028 a1250444109120003801400bde 00 Temp 044 Humi 91 Rain 000 Wind 003 Dir 180 Gust 039 Acquisition phase is finished after 5 hours. ( transmitter had been restarted meanwhile, therefore new address had been generated!) a3832005380c401d59 00 Rain 025 Wind 043 Dir 180 Gust 104 a3822005380fbe 00 Rain 025 Wind 054 Dir 180 a38220053811e2 00 Rain 025 Wind 061 Dir 180 a38220053812b1 00 Rain 025 Wind 064 Dir 180 a3830442200537132f 00 Temp 042 Rain 025 Wind 068 Dir 157 a38320053512400b66 00 Rain 025 Wind 064 Dir 112 Gust 039 a383109120053712bc 00 Humi 91 Rain 025 Wind 064 Dir 157 a382200532103d 00 Rain 025 Wind 057 Dir 045 a3822005340e3b 00 Rain 025 Wind 050 Dir 090 a3822005360c80 00 Rain 025 Wind 043 Dir 135 a3822005350b3a 00 Rain 025 Wind 039 Dir 112 a382200530092f 00 Rain 025 Wind 032 Dir 000